PRODUCTS » Water Treatment

Bio Treatment


Bio-Treatment (Neutralizes Odor Molecules) is ah igh efficiency product that can digest Carbohydrate,Fats, Protein, Cellulose and remove bad organic odor to early.
• Digest dead organic matter as food source and convert it into Lactic acid, CO2, Water and Energy to produce new cells.
• Digest organic matter and kill other bacteria which produces bad odor and toxic gas i.e. Amine, Ammonia, Indole, Sketole,Hydrogen Sulfide and Rancid fat.
Appropriate for:
• Odor Removal: Waste transfer site, Dumping area, Landfill,Sewerage plant and Animal feedlots
• Waste water treatment: Enormous reduction of offensive smell, Help to reduce BOD and suspended solids, Savings on energy usage, Less return sludge, Minimize usage of chemicals, Control blooming of blue-green algae.
• Bio-energy production: Reduce Hydrogen sulfide and generate more Methane.